Life Coaching

Click HERE to see all of the life coaching options available to you.
Click HERE for details about the Choosing ME life coaching program.

Host a transformative experience at your home for you and a few of your best sista-friends. You will each be given individual attention around a topic of your choice, as well as gain insight through each other's learning experience. This is small-group coaching at its best, and a great way to spend a girls' night in. Click HERE for details about hosting your own Sista Circle at your home or any location you like.


"Hi Dear! Just wanted to share with you that you are AWESOME! I've been applying your wonderful techniques and I've been attracting good things! That gratitude practice helps a great deal! The notes helped me with my relationship with my parent earlier today. I swear I dreamed of a relationship with my Dad and i put it into work." ~~ E.
"I've experienced the ability to understand that my thoughts are what control my actions. I've learned to monitor and change my thoughts I'm giving a situation. The best part of working with you is I am dealing with issues I've never had the courage to deal with. I am getting stronger and transforming in front of my own eyes. I am tearing down my limiting beliefs and building more affirming beliefs. If a friend was thinking about with you, I would tell them that you are awesome and the knowledge and tools you share is life changing." ~~ L.B.
"I am truly more conscious of the world around me. I can feel my growth. Oh, there have been so many things that were the best part of working with you. You are so easy to talk to, and you make time for my shanagans, you call right back, you challenge me, you have given me food for thought during my irrational moments. If my friends were thinking of working with you, I would tell them, 'I ain't sharing'. Then, I would encourage them to work with you.. You are an amazing woman and you are wonderful at what you do. You are not afraid to be transparent and that helps when you are in the growth process. It allowed me to open up and understand when you make a correction in my thought pattern." ~~ I.M.
"I am now more mindful of my negative thoughts and I change them to something more positive instead of allowing myself to dwell in the negative. Journaling my negative thoughts and realizing that I had more negative than good and knowing that I have the power to change them so I can be a happier me is the best part about working with you. I would tell anyone wanting to work with you that this is a lifestyle change. They must put in that work if they want to be more healthier, happier, and vibrant." ~~ R.C.

DIY Products

10 Processes to Create a Happier Life

THE MINDSET PRACTICE Program is a set of 10 processes that will put a stop to your negative thinking, and help you maintain your peace of mind, as well as get back to your HAPPY place whenever you feel disconnected from it. Find out more....